Empowerment Through Elegance Inc
Elegance Inc. gives you the ability to live your life on your terms.
Start your own online boutique for $14.95 a month with no other start-up costs and sell online only. Or, if you are a social butterfly, you can also promote your business with in-home Socials. Either way, you won’t need to carry any inventory and your commissions start at 25%-30%. Work where you want and work when you want, make your own hours. You are your own boss so you can give yourself a promotion any time you want. As soon as you join Elegance Inc. you are an instant entrepreneur. You own your life, own your success and most importantly you OWN YOURSELF.

Sell jewelry that celebrities love. With Elegance Inc. you’ll have your dream job and be on trend while doing it. Fashion never sleeps. Your online boutique is open 24/7 so you’re always open for business. Earn money for yourself or raise it for your favorite charity. With Elegance Inc., you always have many choices.

Perfect for You
Calling anyone that wants to dream bigger, this opportunity is for you if.
– You want to earn extra money
– You want to work for yourself
– You want to start a jewelry/ accessory business from home
– You want to learn how to open a boutique for free
– You love to earn trips to exotic locations

Does 9-5 not work for you? We have the answer. Fun, flexible and fashionable. Elegance Inc. is the answer if you want a dream job that includes having fun with friends, getting to know new people, making your own hours and making women look and feel fabulous.
Open a Fashion Boutique For Free
Become a Founding Boutique Owner
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The Elegance Difference
Unique Self-Employment Opportunity, Earn 25% – 40% Commissions, Will or Sell Your Business, No Threat of Losing Your Team, Maternity & Emergency Leave, Charity Program, Generous Royalties on Your Organization

Success Stories
Live Life Successfully
Joining the Elegance Inc. Family Will Allow You To Make Your Own Hours, Make New Friends, and Earn The Success
You Deserve
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